


CHECK THIS OUT - A 100% Guarantee Unlike Any You've Ever Heard: The one, major thing that we believe separates us from all the other photographers in the area is our powerful, no questions asked guarantee.

"You Must Be "Thrilled" (not just satisfied) and want to show everyone your portraits..."

In this day and age, it's hard to find people who really stand behind what they do. With every session, I try to go above and beyond my clients expectations and to create for them, something of generational value and not just a quick "picture." I believe my guarantee is the only one of its kind...anywhere!

Simply Stated:

"You must be absolutely "thrilled" (not just satisfied) when you view your portraits for the very first time. Love them or you'll get every penny back* ... no questions asked and no hard feelings either!"

1st - At NO CHARGE, I will photograph you again, and make sure that anything that wasn't perfect is fixed, without you paying another cent. 2nd - If I am absolutely unable to thrill you - if I'm unable to create a photograph that you feel you will cherish forever, I will refund the *money you invested in them. You don't pay for your photographs unless you love them beyond expression!

In Addition:

We will replace any wall portrait, collage, or album that has been damaged ..."regardless of fault" ... at no charge to you - as long as we have the image on file.

You see, we want you to know we are here to accept the challenges that may arise and not run away from them. We know you will be "thrilled" but isn't it nice to know you won't lose a penny* if you are not. It is our goal to exceed your expectations! This is my promise to you!


All images and content © Craig Furze Photography. Craig Furze Photography specializes in photography in Syracuse NY and surrounding areas. Photography services include Syracuse Wedding Photography, Syracuse Family Photography, High School Senior Photography, and Event Photography.